traffic analysis

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Revelation of Knowledge

The knowledge of revelation comes in three forms
  1. Tariqaat (Mystic way of life)
  2. Marifat (Mystic knowledge) and
  3. Haqiqat (Visual knowledge of Allah Almighty’s reality)
With the knowledge of Traiqat it opens the display of angelic world and the human being visualises symbols and attributes of Allah Almighty and he becomes familiar with angels he gets to know their names, their faces and their duties.
The Knowledge of Marifat the display of Jabroot (sphere of Allah’s omnipotent) opens up and human being visualises symbols and attributes of Allah Almighty and he sees the level of angel Gabriel blessings be upon him, Janat-e-Firdoos, divine tablets, sidra-tul-munt’ha (the tree in heaven), level of implementation of fate, and he is able to speak to Allah Almighty.
With the knowledge of Haqiqat (knowledge of Allah Almighty’s reality) universe of Lahoot (proximity of Allah Almighty) opens up where he sees La muqaam where he visualises the splendor of Almighty Allah. With the knowledge of reality the human nafs becomes satisfied (mut’ma innah). At the level of La Hoot he turns into Ruh a Qudsi (sacred soul) and immerses in Allah Almighty because at that level the human nature ceases to exist. His existence appears at the level of servitude (uboo dey yat) and enters the stage of providence. At this stage the human is walking, hearing, speaking, seeing, giving and taking are all for sake of Allah Almighty.


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