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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Spiritual Cleanliness

We need to understand that Allah Almighty is the sustainer, but we don’t have confidence in his providence and we rely on our strength and efforts because we are deprived of observational knowledge although Allah Almighty stated in the Holy Quraan, 29:60, “And how many there are who move on the Earth that they have not their provisions with them, Allah Almighty is nearer to us then our juggler vain and because of the lack of observation we don’t refrain from evilness and vulgarity.
Hazrat Sayed Sheikh Abdul Qadir May Allah Almighty be pleased with them him, “According to scholars of practical knowledge in regards to human hygiene, humans has to maintain the body and clean in order to clean oneself from all sorts of dirt and filth, water is the component to carryout the task of washing and making ablution, dry ablution could also be made with dry soil, according to the scholars of observation, along with physical cleanliness the spiritual cleanliness is also compulsory. Spiritual cleanliness is obtained by repentance, purification of the heart (taz kia a qulb), the mystic path, includes intimate knowledge and the knowledge of reality. With vanity, arrogance, malice, jealousy the heart is not cleansed. By the external zikar of the names of divinity when the heart becomes sparkling clean and observation of (Marfiat e Lahia) mystic knowledge opens up and becomes clear.


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Mian Asad Ali